Spring Break

My spring break was really great! I didn’t go any place, but I still had a great time. I got to play outside with my neibors a lot and watch TV. I got a little alrgey cold, so I had to syay inside near the end of spring break, so I played with my cat, P.J. and my dog, Ramzey. I also had a sleep over with my cousins and then the next day i had a sleep over with my grandmother and grandfather. It was a pretty great spring break even though I got a little sick. I hope that you had a great spring break to!

Week 27

This week was great the first thing that we did was get new music equipment for songs. The next thing that I did was see my teacher get evaluated [ thats a good thing]. The last thing I did this week was do my french epal letter and work on my informative paper. Next week I’m not going to do my blog because of SPRING BREAK!!!!!!! That was my 27th week of school.File Mar 10, 7 50 00 PM

File Mar 11, 7 52 44 AM

Week 26

This week was great. The first thing that I did was have the TN Ready test. It wasn’t easy but it wasn’t hard. The next thing that I did was finish my song, it sounds really good! I’m going to put it on so you can hear it! The next thing that I did was have the final track tryouts for tug-of-war and long jump, I almost made it. The last thing that I did this week was have double recess to make that even better it started to snow both times! That was my 26th week of school.

Week 25

This week was great. The first thing that happened was Dr. Odom {Grant people} came to visit our classroom saying that we might get more snowballs {microphones} and that she is going to show our songs that we are making to Bill Gates! The second thing that I did was do my Haney’s Court presentation on government choose lunch. The last thing that I did this week was listen to the Steal Drum UT Band it was so good that is sounded like it wasn’t real! That was my 25th week of school.
University of Tennessee Steel Drum Band

UT Steel Drum Band from Jordan Haney on Vimeo.

Pollution Prompt

Yay or Nay?


By: Cadence Hayes

Do you ever think what you can use out of litter? Well you can do lots of things like recycling it and making it into carpeting or cozy fleece clothing. You can also make art out of it like Angela Haseltine Pozzi did for her art. In my essay I will be explaining the similarities and differences of the two articles “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson and ” “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?”by Catherine Clarke Fox.

Even though “Art for Ocean Animals”  and “Drinking Water: Bottled or Tap?” are different articles they do have things in common. Such as finding new ways to to use litter. Both authors have a way to reuse it. Catherine Clarke Fox suggested to recycle plastic which would then be made into new objects. Elise Jonas-Delson reused liter by making it into art. Another way they are similar is both of the authors strongly believe that littering is wrong. Catherine Clarke Fox doesn’t believe that people should use plastic water bottles because they are filled with lot of fossil fuels and that can pollute the environment. Elise Jonas-Delson Also strongly argues against it. She uses Angela Haseltine Pozzi art as an example, for example in the text it states “One of Angela’s sculptures is a turtle. The turtle’s head is an old garbage can lid. There is netting around it to show that turtles are getting caught in these nets.” Another similarity is The authors both believe that people should help out with collecting the litter off the road, the beach, and other places. Those are some ways the two articles are similar.

The articles have similarities but they have differences too. One is that “Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?” by Catherine Clarke Fox talks mainly about how bad plastic bottles are for the environment. But “Art for Ocean Animals” by Elise Jonas-Delson talks about how Angela Haseltine Pozzi uses litter the beach for making sea animals. Another difference is when the authors say that you can make new things out of litter they don’t say the same thing Catherine Clarke Fox says more things that are a need, when Elise Jonas-Delson states more things that are wants. Another difference is that Elise Jonas-Delson tells the audience about the harm it will cause sea animals. In the text it informs that “Another sculpture, called Fish Bite Fish, is shaped like a fish and made out of little bits of plastic that contain tooth and claw marks from the fish and crabs that tried to devour the plastic.” But Catherine Clarke Fox states ho wit will hurt the entire environment. Those are some differences that the two articles have.

Catherine Clarke Fox and Elise Jonas-Delson have some similar and different thoughts about how the pollution can hurt the environment but all there reasons accurate. Next time when      you see litter on the beach or use a plastic water dottles think of how it can hurt animals and the entire world.

Week 22

This week was great! The first thing I did was write 3 prompts! I also played octaball at recess. The last thing I did was start volume in math. That was my 22nd week of school.


Week 21

This week was great! The first thing I did was finish my song with my team, it sounds really good. The second thing I did was start Haney’s Court, me and Jazmin have to have to prove that a required bought lunch is better then being able to bring your own lunch. The last thing I did was go to Literacy Night, it was cool. I got 2 books! That was my 21st week of school!


Week 20

This week was great. The first thing we did was watch our movie trailers. The next thing we did was start making songs. The last thing we did was make a snack of the week commercial. I was a grape! That was my 20th week of school.


File Jan 15, 8 52 35 AM

Week 19

My 19th week of school was great. The first thing we did was finish our trailers, they look really good. The next thing we did this week was get penal cards from India. The last thing we did this week was get new reading buddies. That was my 19th week of school.IMG_5268